
Counting Down To Christmas Day 13

Today we were supposed to bake and decorate cookies, but Ellie and I baked 10 dozen peanut butter blossoms yesterday and I didn't feel much up to more baking. So we decorated this gingerbread house instead. 

 Yummy. This house comes pre-assembled. Last year we got one that you had to put together and it was a nightmare! This was very easy and fun. I had to let go of wanting it to be perfect. Ellie must have asked to eat the candy a dozen times. I tried to explain why we should'nt eat the candy, but she just didn't care. I reflected and decided that I wanted her to remember gingerbread house decorating as fun and not so rigid. Go ahead and eat the candy, it tastes disgusting anyhow! She was pleased.

 So sweet!

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