
Ten Short Years

This photo was taken at my ten year reunion last weekend. Denise, Becky, Carlie, and Me. We haven't changed a bit!

My dad and Sue tried to snap a nice phot of Brian
and I but, someone extra cute got in on the photo
action. She did not want to be forgotten, and out of the bunch this one is my favorite! Go figure.

Camano Island State Park

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

WaTeR BaBiEs

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Elliette took baby swimming lessons this summer. Her favorite part of the lesson each day was playing row row row your boat and the hokie pokie! Now in the bathtub when I sing "roll over, roll over," she rolls over and gets her hair wet. When she see the tub filling with water she sings row row row your boat. She get so excited that one time she actually jumped into the tub with her clothes still on. It was very funny, but a little scary to see how brave she can be.


Missing the Baby Stage

My little baby looked how much you've grown.

I love to see you learn and grow, but I miss you so small.

Thank you for making me you're mommy!


Girls Best Friend

Woof Woof!

Just Follow my Lead!

These were taken a few days before Easter 2007. Elliette was eleven months old at the time, not really walking on her own at this point. She started to walk right around this time though!

Meet "Nah Nah"

This is Elliette with her favorite lovey. I call him, "Mr. Elephant." She can't say elephant so she just calls him, "Nah Nah." He is the first thing she reaches for in the morning, and the last thing she hugs at night. When I say where is Mr. Elephant she starts to giggle and look for him. Last night I hid him on her changing table before bedtime. We searched the house... Is Mr. Elephant in the bathtub? ... NO! Is Mr. Elephant in Mommy and Daddy's Bed? ... No! Is Mr. Elephant waiting to have a new diaper? .... Yes, here he is! She thought it was pretty funny.

Sporty Spice?

Elliette discovers badminton, "Swish Swish" she says swinging the rackets.

I can't decide what I love best about these photos from the backyard of our old house. I love the expressions on her face as she is discovering something new. Her hairstyle which matches her spunky personality.

Search Still Not So Graceful