
WaTeR BaBiEs

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Elliette took baby swimming lessons this summer. Her favorite part of the lesson each day was playing row row row your boat and the hokie pokie! Now in the bathtub when I sing "roll over, roll over," she rolls over and gets her hair wet. When she see the tub filling with water she sings row row row your boat. She get so excited that one time she actually jumped into the tub with her clothes still on. It was very funny, but a little scary to see how brave she can be.


Ariana Sullivan said...

Those pictures are so cute. That's really cool that the class was really helpful. I've debated signing my girls up, but wondered if it would be benenficial when they're so young.

I like that second picture, your arms look so thin. You two look so much alike. Elliette is really getting cuter every day. It's crazy how much she looks the same, but totally different.

I was looking at the bottom picture and Sierra climbed on my lap and said, "baby, baby" and I said, "that's Elliette", and she said, "Ellie, Ellie".

Grandma said...

I love these pictures! So adorable!! All three of ya. We had such a great time seeing you yesterday. I hope school is alot of fun this year. I am sorry for no emails but forwards but I am down to two modules to get this education online stuff DONE! I was just here for 6 straight hours! I love you. Have the very best day! MOM

Search Still Not So Graceful