
Missing the Baby Stage

My little baby looked how much you've grown.

I love to see you learn and grow, but I miss you so small.

Thank you for making me you're mommy!


Anonymous said...

Kelly, Brian,and Ellie,

What a wonderful way to share Ellie with us all. She is growing up too fast already! I think it's great that you started this blog to share Ellie's daily activities with us. She's a beatiful girl. We look forward to seeing all of you
in person sometime real soon. I am one proud papa and grandpa. Love you all bunches! Love, Dad (Grandpa Mc)

Ariana Rose said...

You know what missing the baby phase means, right?
Time for another! haha, ok maybe that's just me, though :D

I love seeing the pictures lined up like that. It's crazy how fast she's growing since I only see pictures.
Mom says she looks just like you. I think so, too.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Tiffany (Ariana) we need MORE grandbabies on this planet! It is what makes my life worth living! She is a cutie! But ONLY when YOU are ready, no rush, of course! HAHA!

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