Yesterday I spent the day substitute teaching for a friend of mine at the building where I got my first teaching job. This was a middle school teaching job and I very muched loved it at times! While it was fun to see familiar faces and the younger siblings of students I had a few years ago. I found myself really missing Elliette and Ian around noon. I was completely wiped out when I got home. Luckily I had the foresight to put some stew together for the crock pot the night before.
This time at home with my kids is so wonderful and substitute teaching is really affirming for me that staying home with them for this season was the right choice for our family. Brian is so encouraging about me not working and I just love him so much. I had the opportunity to work again today, but I plan to only work about six days a month and I am still tired from yesterday. I think today I will focus on getting my home clean, preparing healthy meals and a bath for the kids, getting some exercise, and taking care of paperwork. AND... I will be thankful for each moment of it!
I'm glad Brian is so supportive.
I really admire you for making the decision to stay home and be with your kids even though it meant cutting out a lot of things. It's so difficult to live off one income... it takes a lot of planning and self control to make it work.
I was so impressed with how well you budget and how much effort you put into using your finances well. It's something you don't see as much these days.
Most people I know don't live like that.
It is so frustrating to want to help with the finances but leave your precious kids at home. It is hard on most women, I think!
I think what you have decided to do is great as it gives you the best of bith worlds.
Do you want me to come early to the jewelry party to help out?
Missing you!!
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