
Ellie meets BaBy PaXoN!

Ellie meets her new cousin for the first time.
She shows him the card she colored just for him.
Later we let her hold him on the couch. "I love you, baby Paxon!"
"Baby Paxon cries alot because he is a baby," she says.


Ariana Rose said...

Wow is she growing up! I mean, wow. She's sooo pretty! She looks like such a perfect mixture of you and Brian.

It's so funny that her two new cousins have such similar names.

G'ma D said...

These are all darling pictures of all of you. I just put them up on my desk corkboard at work!

She is growing up soo fast and these toddler days are the sweetest, well, next to baby days I guess! She is beautiful just like her momma & daddy

It is nice to know that you had fun on our wedding day too!
(Mariners Game, woo hoo) We are headed to one tom. night as well, it is a Wedding Gift from friends.

Take care of my grandbaby and give her a hug and kiss from me, you don't have to tell who it is from however!

Mom (and G'ma D)

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