
What We've Been Eating

Kids' Lunch inspired by Angry Birds!!! 
This was for the kids, although I could have eaten everything but the egg. 

Cucumber Melon Breakfast Salad

Long story extremely short. After several unpleasant and invasive tests (MRI, Spinal Tap, etc) my doctors (Neurologist and Radiologist) think I have MS. I have a lesion on my spinal cord and three in my brain. I found out when I woke up one day with pins and needles in my feet and saddle area. I had a three day steroid infusion treatment (ick) and can tell you that since about 5 days ago I am gradually losing the pins and needles. Today I can only feel it in my left foot and parts of my right foot. I'm just starting down this MS road so I can't tell you how things will go for me. I can tell you that I have heard a lot of promising things about controlling MS symptoms with diet. So I have been trying my best to follow an MS recovery diet. I can't wait to talk to my doctor and see if she agrees this is the way to go, because to be honest I hate this diet!!! 
It involves... No gluten, no dairy, no eggs, no legumes, with extremely limited amounts of saturated fat. My day has been looking like. Gluten free cereal w/almond milk. fresh fruit and veggies lean proteins (chicken, turkey, tuna, and salmon). I love dairy and I have cheated a little. I am also still drinking coffee because PaLeaZe I have small children!!! 

Kale Confetti

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