
Ellie the Big Sister

It is wonderful to see how Ellie is enjoying her new brother and bonding with him more as the weeks go by. Now she is so excited to see him in the morning. She likes to cuddle up to his head and say "it's okay Ian, Sissy's here. Mommy and Sissy will take good care of you." Then she hugs his head (which makes me cringe because of his soft spot). It is amazing to see her taking her role seriously and loving on her little brother! Today she even got him to stop crying by giving him a binky for me! We had some friends over and their daughter 5 months old was crying. She was able to get her to stop crying as well and I was just so proud of her.


Ariana Sullivan said...

What a good big sister! It's going to be so fun to watch their relationship develop and see how they become friends.

I can't wait to see more pictures of Ian.

Has mom talked to you about what's going on with me this summer?
I've had a ton of dental work stuff this summer and won't be coming up there yet.
I have to have my wisdom teeth out and so far my mouth's proved to be slooooow healing so I'm expecting several months of pain.
I haven't talked on the phone much the past two months because of that issue. I've been popping motrin like candy. lol

KrissleB. said...

Excited to hear that Ellie is taking her role seriously and enjoying Ian. It will just be more amazing and fun as they both get older.

Congrats agian on Ian and your wonderful family!

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